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TheTome: AlexAllFlesh

Set in Texas
4 Small-town hicks in a village under siege...

Lou Ossifer, a redneck ex-cop gun freak 'Nam vet (Stu)
Evan Daniels, a redneck ranch-hand from Ms. Gordon's ranch (SynKronos) Nate, a redneck postal worker (Garrick)
Recently joined by Chief (GobLin), our local Injin friend and his tribe. He appears to practise 'dirty heathen magic' (his words, not mine)

9 March 2004

Ah, a great session :) We are now in league with the secondary alien force who are keen on wiping out the first force, the ones who were making all the zombies and trying to kill us. So we hooked up with the good guys and went on a massive bad-guy-beating binge. Thanks to the alien psykers on our side, we had a far easier time than usual, and managed to wipe out some very large, very scary opponents. Alex handled the DMing? of the massive combat really well, and all in all it was an awesome session :) Tx

26 January 2004

Fast forward 10 weeks and we have finally made it to North Dakota, where we intend to set up camp in one of the national parks. We've lost a lot of people along the way, but we've come through.

A little way into N. Dak, we find a town where zombies are fighting other zombies. At first we thought it might be some sort of Zombie Gladiators sport, but then we worked out that some of the zombies were just changing sides, probably due to superior mind control (Ya gots ta wear them thar tin foil, y'unnerstand? Otherwise them thar aleens can control yer mind), and the new Pales are wearing red and black outfits, as opposed to the ones we're used to all in black leather. After the one side wins (always the red/black one, it seems), they all seem to pull back towards the same town, so we (of course) decide to visit it. It turns out to be heavily fortified and barricaded, but the pales that watch us don't attack us outright, which is unusual in itself. After we hear some heavy gates closing in various parts of the city (some on the road behind us) we decide to take the exit when it is presented to us. After we leave, Chief listens to the ground a bit, and then makes us all go back inside. That's when he makes the 'heathen magic' comment. We go into the town, and end up having a little pow-wow with this really big iguana-lizard mind-control aleen (I done warned y'all about them thar tin-foil, sonny-jim), and he tells us that he is the same race as the others, but a different clan, and that he is trying to eradicate the 'Black Talons', as he calls them. And that we are inconsequential to him. But, he does need some components, but he doubts we can obtain them. But, just to spite him, we already have 3 of the components. So ha! Anyway, we spend the rest of the time making up suck-up plans to get them on our side and protect our town, which is all good and well, but I dunno if we can trust them. Better than nothing tho, and just being in proximity to them will help protect us against the 'Talons' at least. So the plan now is to collect the components they need, so they can wipe out this rival clan, and then leave our planet. Theoretically.

25 August 2003

Okay, a far more relaxed session, mostly planning and deciding how not to let a balls-up like that happen again. We now have a far more concrete plan, and bucketloads of raw material to execute it with. Doctor Pike is still trying to insinuate himself into sole command, and judging by various views that he has aired, I'm not sure that that's a good idea.

More Updates!

Well, things have progressed somewhat. The good Doctor Pike has wandered off and been replaced by an Indian Sherrif. We recently appropriated a tanker truck and have owned a zombie held fortress town filled with scientists. Made off with all their captives and some useful intel on how the zombie technology works. Now to make a plan to take back the planet...or at least somewhere we can make beer.

Previously, on All Flesh...

After fighting for Ms. Gordon's ranch and losing, fighting for Nate's apartment and losing, and finally fighting for the town and losing horribly, we are on the run, looking for uninfested people and places. We have picked up a large entourage of similarly disposessed people and are wandering the state, looking for people to join our cause. Unfortunately we had a rather badly-handled runin with a nearby town, and have just gunned down 77 of their police officers and riot police. Apparently a riot shield does very little against 50cal machine gun fire. Now we're facing down a posse as the town prepares to retaliate

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM