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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Survivor last night was pretty cool :) Jerri got voted off, which I loved cos I've hated her ever since Survivor Australia. Richard made excellent Nole (I think that's how he said it was spelt) for us to eat. Basically tuna and pasta and stuff, if you're wondering (like we all were when we asked what he was making). I, of course, forgot to take the PopCap? flashie with, so I guess Al will have to come fetch it tonight on his way thru to roleplaying. If it's at Waynne's place. Otherwise Waynne might have to come fetch it. Whichever. After Survivor, we watched Cirque du Soleil with Helen and Richard have on DVD. Man, those people are amazing. The sheer strength, control and balance is astounding. I prolly wouldn't want to own it on DVD, cos after you've seen it you've seen it, but it was awesome to watch.

When we did get home, there was a rather unpleasant surprise awaiting us. This old woman and young man are helping this bloody old man along. Actually, helping is a misnomer, they were carrying him, since he was completely passed out, drunk. Turns out the lady was his sister-in-law (she was very quick to point out that she was not his wife, and repeated it about three times while we carried him upstairs). He had apparently fallen down at some point and gashed his face open around his eye, and he had pissed his pants. While we were in the lift (thankfully only going up to the first floor), he proceeded to crap in his pants too. Lovely. The sister-in-law was a nurse, she said, and would sort him out. I really don't envy her, the dude was smelling fucking miff. Turns out the other dude helping was just some poor bastard who worked at Starke Ayres and had come back to retrieve something he left at work. Poor poor timing buddy! Yeah, anyway, so we let the dude out, and then almost gagged taking the lift back up to the 4th floor. Nasty. I immediately took my pants and shirt off and shoved them in the bath in some soapy water... not good, but they'll survive. And we always thought the old man was so reserved.

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Page last modified on October 13, 2004, at 09:03 AM