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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Monday night played some squash with Jim, but I was late so we only got 4 games in rather than our usual 6. Then went home to veg and play some N and Zumo. Dammit! New version of N, and it doesn't remember your progress from the previous versions :/ Gotta go thru all those levels again. Should be easier this time, although some of the levels I won't relish seeing again. Ooo! And got to Sungod 13 on 'Sandpit' in Zuma gauntlet last night. Suckback is the king of play styles :P

Last night went thru to Helen and Richard's for Survivor. It was scheduled to be at Jim's place, but H&R just got a new kittie, so they didn't want to leave it alone. It's very cute, all ginger and tiny :) It was licking my nose at one point while I was cuddling it. Boston Rob should burn in hell, btw. He's so trying to justify to himself why he's behaving like a poes. Screw ppl for $1mil, fine. Just don't then claim that you aren't. Also watched Coupling, last episode of the season (whatever season it is that we're seeing). I've only watched this one and the one before, and I really don't find it very funny. There are the occasional hilarious moments, but by and large the jokes are not that funny and broadcast about 5 minutes before their actual delivery. Maybe these were just particularly crap episodes, cos everyone else seems to love the series shrug

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Page last modified on October 27, 2004, at 09:02 AM