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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Whee. Vaguely doing work at the moment, QA stuff. I'm checking Ruan's work, he's checking Fernanda's and she's checking mine. Not very exciting, not very much to do. At least it is something.

Been playing PuzzlePirates? for the last few days in between QA stuff. Very cool, it's an online puzzle world, kinda in the Myst vein, but more cartoony/PopCappy? puzzles. Basically you play as a pirate, and all the shipboard duties, such as sailing, bilging and loading the cannons, manifest as some form of puzzle. It's an MMOPuzzler? as well, which means you can get pirate crews together and plunder the high seas :P Once you've caught up to a ship that you're chasing (by having your pirates on the sailing puzzles doing better than the other ship), you then get into a little grid-based puzzle that only the captain is involved in where you try damage and grapple the opponent. Once you grapple, you get into a crew on crew sword fight puzzle. It's such fun :) It can be found at the PopCap? site, at the bottom of the 'Find a Game' dropdown. I also tried playing it at home for people interested in playing on dialup, and it works fine. It takes an age to download (2 hours for me), but the actual play is lag-free, and was actually better than I got that day at work cos ADSL was being it's usual bitch self.

Played squash with Jim twice this week, was lots of fun :) Colleen's really keen on going to the gym more often, which I'm not that keen on unless I can get some squash going, which is working out just fine :)

Magic tonight with ppl, it's been ages since we had a big get-together :P New cards, new decks (hopefully), same old fun :P

Comment: openbox (by InfernalRabbi? on 2004-10-21 16:23:12)

There is still a chance for you to move to openbox. Just send me your C.V, lwheeler_AT_openboxsoftware_DOT_com. Here you will actually have coding work to do, for most of the time.

Comment: Re: openbox (by SynKronos? on 2004-10-22 09:43:54)

Thanks for the offer :P I think I'm going to see what/when they offer me my raise, should be in December apparently. If it's not good enough, I'll follow you up on this :P

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Page last modified on October 21, 2004, at 10:57 AM