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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Been an eventful few weeks since the wiki was down. Had Schpatcon, did a whole bunch things, most of which I can't remember. Got my driver's license on Saturday, had a massive accident with a motorbike on Monday. Bike fucked, rider a bit injured but ok, car prolly written off, me fine. If anyone on the wiki wants a more in depth explanation, ask, I just don't feel like typing it all up again right now :P

Ugh, KoL is down atm, and has been for the whole day. Something about a script kiddie, who didn't feel like clicking manually like the rest of us have to. Idiot. Unlikely to come up for a while, since Jick is probably still asleep, or only just woken up. Been compiling a list of the Magic cards I need for my artist collection. Might post that on the wiki sometime to see if anyone (apart from Philip) can source them for me. Maybe Ryan. We'll see.

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Page last modified on October 08, 2004, at 01:19 PM