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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Saturday morning went shopping, then watched some Firefly with Colleen. It's pretty good, but suffers from the Buffy syndrome - everyone behaves like children when it comes to relationship issues. Colleen made a comment along the lines of 'It's nice watching a Joss Whedon with adults', to which I replied 'Yeah'. Then I watched a bit more and noticed how much they behave like adolescents. I don't think I agree anymore. Still fun to watch tho.

Saturday afternoon went thru to Ryan's place to play Doomtown with schpat?, Alex?, Chelle?, Al? and Tim. Was fun, but some decks are just killer. Also got a lot of the SynKronosMagicCardsINeed? from Ryan, so I'll update that page nowish.

Colleen's parents came for lunch today. Butterfish is very good grilled as well as raw :) And the avo from Fruit 'n Veg is really good. Now they've gone off to the flower show at CTICC, so here I sit updating and playing KoL? :) Gotta get that hypnodisk, so I can sell it for a few Mr Accessories, so I can get a Dark Jill-o-Lantern, a Coffee Sprite and maybe a Cheshire Bitten. Holding thumbs!

Oh, and a word of warning to people: Don't check the 'Spellcheck' box. It will crash, and lose your blog post.

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Page last modified on October 10, 2004, at 01:46 PM