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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Wow. I dunno what we do to them, but another one of our project managers have just quit. It can't even be BO, cos they're all in the states. First Erika left back when we started working here. Then Jack left a few months later. Now Mike has just resigned and will be leaving in a week. And Jyoti (she's Indian - Jyoti Patil) is pregnant, and it looks like her maternity leave will be right in the middle of the next development cycle. Joy. So looks like we're gonna be in charge. That's scary. Although Jyoti seems pretty incompetent, so I'm not sure which is worse... Guess that explains why we've been left with nothing to do for so long - exactly the same thing has happened each other time, perhaps we should have seen it coming. sigh

Roleplaying last night was pretty cool. My character sponted a new spell on the spot (and all but collapsed from the effort the second time), but it was the daylight we needed to kill (or at least hurt) the vampire we were fighting. Was fun :)

Going to parents for dinner and laundry tonight. Colleen wants to watch Firefly while we're there, I think she's obsessed. I just don't get like that about TV series, even anime ones. I save that kind of dedication for games rather.

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Page last modified on October 14, 2004, at 02:40 PM