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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. All you can eat Chinese for a change on Friday night at the place in Mowbray. Very nice, loads of food, pretty cheap if a little oily. Very nice :) Afterwards I went back to Si? and Lucas?'s place and played Cthulhu 500, this super-weird Cthulhu-based card racing game. You don't get a much weirder concept than that.

Saturday we went bed shopping. Got a nice pine base from Scoop on Long street in town, and then some bedding from Kolnicks. Pretty cheap, and a fuck-load cheaper than Woolworths. Not that I'm surprised :P Saturday evening we went thru to a Hallowe'en party one of Colleen's work colleagues was having. Colleen knew about 4 people there, and I knew none, so we hung around for a little bit and then went thru to the One Ring. Caught the last song in Krakatoa's set. They're good, but I really don't like what they play shrug Hung around there and chatted to people for a bit. Then went home, and Colleen went to sleep and I stayed up playing KoL and waiting for Guildwars to download. KoL was having a special Hallowe'en event, where you could go trick or treating and get cool candy :) It was great.

Sunday morning lazed about a bit, then cleaned the flat some and hung the new curtains. Played Guildwars most of the afternoon and into the evening a bit. Guildwars is another MMORPG that's being developed atm. This weekend was an open beta test (specially for Hallowe'en). It has a very nice 3D engine, very shiny (which kills my GFX card unfortunately), and the few skills I saw were cool and well thought out. As with all MMORPG's, there seems to be a hell of a lot to explore, and a day worth of play is nowhere near enough to check it out. The gameplay seems very oriented around party play, but the cool thing is that you can pick up NPC players (bots effectively) to do any of the quests, which is perfect for me. I don't like hooking up with PC's, cos I invariably get interrupted in the middle of something and have to leave them hanging. With bots, obviously not a problem ;) I'll be waiting with anticipation for any future open betas.

Today I was working quite hard at work, fixing the bugs as Fernanda (who's doing the QA on my stuff) was coming up with them. By the time she finished the checking, it was 4:30 and I had pretty much fixed all except one last small one :) A very productive day. Now I sit here waiting for PuzzlePirates? to download updates... seems they've released some patches since I last played. Reminds me of Ragnarok when I was playing the beta and every time I started up I had to download a few tens of megs of updates. Ah well, hope it finishes in time for me to actually play some before bed ^_^

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Page last modified on November 01, 2004, at 08:37 PM