AvPRoxx0rsYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Went to see AvP? last night, it was awesome. Don't listen to Adrianna. The dialogue was far from sterling, there were some silly bits (yes, like the way the Preds work in minutes), but like, wtf cares? I certainly wasn't going to see it for its interesting analysis of future trends. I was going to go see Aliens and Predators kick mutual arse. And it happened. There was lots of handage of both types of arse, both ways. And of course the random human arse getting raped along the way, but that was secondary and unimportant. Very cool :) I highly recommend it Comment: Umm... human ass-rape... (by LothrielPixie? on 2004-11-09 18:09:35)Actually, I though the way they created these shadings of cool characters and then offed them within seconds of the good stuff starting was quite fun. But then anything that comes across as an atcion movie meets cheesey Cthulhu novel get my vote! Glad to know I'm not the only person who enjoyed the film... |