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4th October 2002

Dear Diary,

Prince Wolfgang and I were making beautiful music, when Dutchess Frei came to the castle door. I didn't know her but Queen Lily and Sir Jonny were with her so she must be nice. I also met the Brave Knight Ray. He played music with us, it was fun!

Then we went out but Boogymen in pyjamas tried to stop us. They didn't but we got to eat. Then we played 'hide and seek'. First I hid from Lily but she couldn't find me so she asked Wolfgang and Jonny for help. Then we played 'I-spy'. Then we went to a ball, there were lots of people and two naughty ladies with no clothes on! Then Duke Max can to visit. I like him! He is fun to talk to!

I was playing with the flowers that Jonny gave me when Wolfgang asked if I wanted to see a piano. I did and so did Ray so we went for a walk. We found a wall with a secret passage way. I think fairies made it. We followed the stairs all the way down to a room with lots of naughty people. Wolfgang covered my eyes. Then we saw a woman eating. She had cut pieces off a man's body, just like Prince James does. Wolfgang said she was bad because she was eating the naughty bits. I must tell James to never eat the naughty bits. He will listen to me because he is good and kind.

We soon found the piano and Wolfgang began to play and I started dancing like a fairy. Then a man started to look for the Apple inside himself. I'm sure he found it, he was using a very sharp knife and had most of his skin off when we left. Ray gave me a piggy-back ride outside. We had to go past a tall man with wings. Wing-man had made all the naughty people in the room go away. I think that made Wolfgang happy.

Then Ray and I played 'hide and seek'. Ray hid in a big chariot, but I found him. The chariot took us to see the Great Emperor, Ezekiel. I told him what happened that night but he told Wolfgang to tell me to play 'hide and seek'. I hid behind his throne. Then everyone but Max left and I heard the Emperor talk to him about dogs. Maybe they are getting me a puppy. The Emperor said the were going to clean the last nest in the kingdom. I didn't know dogs had nests.
A tall woman came into the room after Max left. I think she is a good witch. She found me and I went outside to play again.

Ray came to stay with us. He is already asleep and its not even close to morning. I have been painting and writing in my diary. I wonder what we will do tomorrow night.

Lots of Love,
the magical fairy princess Anie


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