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Name: Gerald Geoffreys
Superhero Name: Ricochet
Job: Owner of many fastfood joints.
Powers: Nothing keeps him back as he rebounds from attacks and bounces into combat at amazing speeds.
Origin Summary: Unable to bear children, his mother performed experiments on herself until she was finally able to have a child. There were apparantly some side effects...
Most Common Phrase: "My name is Ricochet. Damnit!"


Power Level: 1
Description: Using his amazing rebound ability, Ricochet is able to conserve the kinetic energy from a collision with any surface and redirect it in order to propel himself in any direction of his choosing. This enables him to bounce at amazing speeds and slam into his opponents, often dazing them. He has several trademark techniques that he uses.

Jackhammer: Ricochet launches himself vertically above his oppenent and repeatedly slams them from above in an attempt to knock them down and out.
Swanflop: Ricochet jumps vertically above his oppenent into a reverse swan counter back flip and then falls headfirst toward his opponent. Just prior to impact he performs a backflip and lands ontop of his opponent in a mighty belly flop before rebounding up and away.
Stinger: Ricochet launches himself horizontally at his opponent, striking him once and then shooting off in a different direction making it much harder for his opponents to try and track his movement.
Ricochet: When multiple opponents are contained within an area surrounded by many surfaces, Ricochet uses this move, named after himself, in order to strike multiple targets. He launches himself at one and then fires off in a random direction in order to bounce off of another surface to strike another target.

Rubber Skin:
Power Level: 3
Description: Due to his elastic nature, Ricochet can shrug off most physical attacks as they simply bounce off of his highly elastic body. This makes him partially invulnerable to most physical attacks.

Aditional Information:
Please refer to the Sanctuary Main Frame for any aditional information relevent to Ricochet.

Grab yourself 3xp for adding your description. Garrick.

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Page last modified on June 05, 2006, at 07:42 PM