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Name: Jeremy Smith
Hero Name: Blacksmith
Day Job: What day job?
Costume: White shirt, short sleeves, not tie, smart pants, belt and Italian Leather Boots
Age: 66
Physical Description: Standing at 2.1 metres, 90 kgs and having jet black hair, Jeremy looks to be in his late 30's.
Jeremy was born in America in 1940. He was too young for the war and attended Standford University at the age of 16 and graduated with 2 PHDs? in Theoretical Physics and Robotic Engineering at the age of 26. He went on to complete a Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence and started working for Bastion at the age of 33.
It was during his second year that he had an accident that would change his life forever...
Session 4: War Machine Captures the Mayor's Daughter!