InstantBadDriversJustAddWaterYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here.
rain! woohoo! ppl driving like idiots! If i had the ability to explode people's heads with the power of thought alone, she'd have redmisted. I had to go to the bank this morning on the way to work (that stupid-assed address verification thing which i only found out about yesterday). why is it that they open at such ridiculous hours? civil service is guilty of this too. if they were just open from 8-10 and then from 4-6, they'd have a working day that was shorter, they could take a nice siesta in the afternoon and other people who have to work to earn money to give to them might actually be able to get in while they're open. i've noticed this with shops as well, although i must admit it's getting better. i just don't get the logic: 'Right, our target customers are people who earn a lot of money and want to spend it, so we'll stay open while they're at work earning that money, and be closed when they're free to spend it. This is a great idea!' and really, i'm not just noticing this now because i'm working...even when i was a relatively unconstrained varsity student, i still had trouble getting to banks before they closed. but that's enough venting for now. in other news: I love Doomtown!!!won!11!! oh, and i got paid. i just earned more for 2 weeks work than i ever did in an entire month at varsity. /me rubs the cash all over her naked body. well, not quite. but you can keep the mental image :-D Comment: ^_^ (by SynKronos? on 2004-10-29 15:10:16)Woah!! frames the mental image Comment: Doomtown (by AndieMoore? on 2004-10-29 21:58:26)In doomtown, get blackjack. He's a one man army, just womble around shooting everyone that moves, and eventually you'll win. Comment: because I'm logged on (by d@vid on 2004-10-31 16:21:29)so, Tim wants to know which version of Blackjack you're referring to... Comment: Dirty, rotten cheaters (by Acuteapathy? on 2004-11-02 14:48:24)Two words: Jackalope Stampede. |