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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. so d@vid's train was late this morning, and i decided to go to alma to get a coke while i waited. when i arrived, the owner's wife was behind the counter, and the telephone card supplier was showing her some way of recording the stock sold. The dialog went something like this:

him: 'see, it's elegance and simplicity'
her: 'uhuh' him: 'do you know what elegance means?'
her: 'um, yeah, i know what it means.' him: 'and simplicity'
her: 'yes, i know what that means too' him: 'no, i mean, elegance MEANS simplicity. It's the same thing.'
her: 'are you sure?' him: 'yes. it's a mathematical term, you see.'
me: o_0

it amazes me how some people with no education still pretend that they're smarter than everyone else, all the while sounding even more stupid than they are. Don't they worry that someone with a matric education might be listening?

i also realised this morning that the difference between my IQ and normal is more than the difference between normal and medically retarded. That probably explains a lot. Like why i find it difficult to believe that the average person can get dressed in the morning without supervision.

Comment: argarg (by InfernalRabbi? on 2005-02-09 10:09:19)

I often wonder the same thing. Especially after working on IDB.

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Page last modified on February 08, 2005, at 07:52 AM