NoCureForMorningsYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I managed to get up on the wrong side of the radio this morning. I normally listen to Capital FM, they're a bit on the non-descript pop end of the scale musically, but they tell me the weather and they've got a 'breakfast team' that's a little like 5fm's set-up. However, over the last while they've been annoying me a bit - they've got a new 'token female' and so the dynamic has shifted somewhat and I don't really like her. So last night I decided to give my evening and weekend radio station, Xfm, a bit of a go for the morning as well. Just to make sure I wasn't missing something better. At the usual 6:30 and some change my radio switched itself on and I was greeted with one of my all time favourite songs ever! It's in my top three, well, if I had a top three. I've actually got a top two, and I keep debating with myself the third since I dislike even numbers that aren't multiples of 5, so I refuse to admit to myself that I only have a top two. But it's in there. The Cure - Friday I'm in love. However, what kind of sicko DJ plays Friday I'm in love on a Thursday? I mean there are hundreds of other great Cure songs to play, Lullaby, Fascination Street, Boys don't cry, even, and I'm loath to suggest this, Love Cats. So I spend a glorious three minutes utterly convinced that it was Friday. Until, of course, the song ended and my brain, now slowly starting to gear up to something resembling consciousness, said "wait a minute, wasn't yesterday Wednesday?" To top that off, I got reminded that Xfm also doesn't give you a weather report, so I switched back to Capital FM in a bit of a huff, and dealt with Jonny, Gareth and the irritating Zoe. Tomorrow I'll try Virgin FM. |