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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Hyper-flexibility is frequently not a boon. From the martial arts perspective, yes, it means certain locks don't work as well on me, giving me more time to react and get out of them. It also means I come closer to breaking point before the pain from those locks hit. It's nice to be able to bend a bit more than most, but it also means I tend to land more weirdly from throws.

Which brings me to my toes. They bend. Like my fingers, they bend backwards, easily, and pretty far. So on the odd occasion I land wrong there is just that much more of a chance that instead of them rolling forward, they get bend backwards. When they bend backwards far enough, well, something's gotta give.

So, right, I have now had the pleasure of a second toe dislocation. This time it wasn't my right baby-toe, nope, it was the one next to it. (There's a part of me that's imagining that I'm now going to dislocate everyone one of my toes in serial order from right to left.) Unfortunately, the longer and more flexible the toe, the more it hurts!

Not that I paid it much attention at the time, the injury happened half way through the session and I kept on until the end. However, even worse than waking up at 4am this morning since it was too painful for me to sleep (a codis solved that) was that I'd decided to wear pointy, heeled boots to work that day and that I now had to walk home in them. Ouch!

One of the images that has always stuck in my mind is from the traditional version of “The Little Mermaid”, where the sea witch tells her that she can have legs but every step she takes will feel like she's treading on sharp knives. It with this image in mind that I usually suffer my odd jaunt in heels, but heels and a dislocated toe took things to a whole new level.

This morning, it's alright-ish. I can bend it, and while it hurts and is some rather lurid shades of purple, blue and yellow, at least my docs make walking bearable.

Ah, well, I'll just have to comfort myself with some Ben and Jerry's this evening!

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Page last modified on August 02, 2005, at 10:29 AM