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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Well, it's a new month, and slowly counting down to a new year. Seeing as I'm a bit sick of creating endless, un-visited archives for my pages I though I'd just join the club and move over to having a proper blog.

Well, the news of the week is that Richard Hensman finally arrived in the UK. For half this week he's been sleeping in the 'store room' downstairs at my place. My house-mates have been surprisingly cool about this, much to my relief.

He's also been in and out of my office using the phones and my email and web connection which has been more than a little disruptive. In fact this is not the first post the I've written on this topic, but by the time he left on Tuesday I had so many different things piles up that I was trying to get sorted, that I got so distracted that I closed the post after 'previewing' it rather than saving it and I just couldn't make the time to write it all again. Fortunately, Mike my director has been out of the office a lot so he's totall missed Richard's visit's bar the first one, but that was late enough on Monday evening that it didn't matter.

Although, I'm glad to say that things are going ok for him, and he's had a couple of interveiws for bar level jobs, and one IT recruiter he spoke to said that he can't imagine that Richard will be out of work for more than a month. Sigh. It's good to know that some people have prospects in this city.

Claire and I have hired a car, and registered ourselves as drivers, for the weekend away. I'm really looking forward to doing a bit of driving again, although the both of us are a little apprehensive since it's been a while and we're not familiar with the road network in the country at all - although our biggest issue is actually the leaving london bit, since the traffic on a Friday evening is apparently nightmarish.

Eitherway, I'm in a pretty up mood. I've discovered that my new New Rock boots aren't as painful to walk in as I'd expected (although they're not exactly 'walking on air' comfort either). I'm going on holiday (although just for the weekend). I'm heading for Blink 182 on Monday with Kait and I've calculated that if my MD refuses to give me a raise in January and I walk like I'll threaten, I'm not actually going to be as financially behind as I thought. So all in all, I'm facing tomorrow and the next day with a little more confidence.

Comment: bloggers, boggarts, boots (by d@vid on 2004-12-04 16:28:15)

I was wondering if you'd move to the blogging engine, what with its convenient comment handling :-D

Ian is in the UK now, but if you don't see him, I think email the Farrago stuff to him or Michelle, or to my gmail account if there's some difficulty

new boots! my sister made the mistake of asking me what I want for christmas, so maybe I'll get some

Comment: Re: bloggers, boggarts, boots (by LothrielPixie? on 2004-12-08 12:56:06)

Yes, but I still need to get an actual address to email to - I don't know his, yours or Michelle's!

Thinking about christmas presents always gives me a headache... especially when I look at how little I have to spend, and how many people I would like to give stuff to. Sigh.

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Page last modified on December 02, 2004, at 12:48 PM