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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Well, it's about time that I posted seeing as I've been back at work for two days. It's just been a bit difficult to gather my thoughts enought to have something coherant to express.

It was an interesting experience to be back in Johannesburg, not what I'd thought it would be at all. It seems that I was right all along and that very little in Cape Town does change, which is what makes it so easy to go back to for visits. However in Johannesburg, things do change, which makes it a little unsettling for short visits.

Of course the "unsettled" aspect may have been contributed to by the fact that I managed to get some sort of persistent stomach bug / kidney infection / food poisoning on the Friday. Let me just say it made the plane flight back a world of misery and leave it at that. I haven't actually been out and seen anyone since I got back since the idea of having to face a social situation containing alcohol (pretty much all of them in London) makes me feel unwell. Heh, so in typical fashion tomorrow is drinks for Mr. Sellar's birthday - although I suspect the only pints I'll be knocking back will be of Aqua del London.

Coming back to London wasn't quite the wet towel in the face I expected either. With the arrival of spring and the setting forward of the clocks the world is a brighter, albeit soggier, place. I'd also missed my quiet room at the top of the house and my beloved bed. So beloved that getting out of it the last few mornings has proven very difficult. It isn't helped by the fact that one day after my return I was back in the office.

It's amazing how my mood lightens outside this place. I can genuinely be happy up until the minute I step though this door, spend the whole day here feeling miserable, and when I leave at the end of the day it's all stupid grins and marveling at how picturesque things are in the early spring damp. It's kind of like having a bi-polar personality, except the cause isn't hormonal or chemical and it pays my bills at the end of the month.

I've had to realise that seventy percent of the reason I loath London is career based; that I seem to be unemployable in my proffesion, and that so far I've hated everything else I've done instead. The other thirty percent can be placed squarly at the feet of Transport for London and the idiot who back in the ages decided that the world's most significant English-speaking city this side of the Atlantic should be built on an island with a climate so awful it should rather have been left the provenance of sheep-farmers and mad-men. (So, it's a pity the mad-men came to out weight the sheep-farmers isn't it?)

Comment: slightly off putting (by BlueHands on 2005-03-31 16:13:33)

well that description is slightly offputting...


guess I'll be finding out for myself in June

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Page last modified on March 31, 2005, at 10:35 AM