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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. The title for this was going to be "Bored" because that's what I am, but then I saw that the lovely Wednesday le Fey had once more appeared on the wiki! :-D Yay! It was a very exciting time for me.

In other news, I missed the SCA thing. I spent the afternoon asleep instead. In the evening, Sean kidnapped me and took me to his house. It was nice, even though I was still feeling bloody awful!
Consequently, we missed the CLAWparty?, but I really didn't want to go, considering how I was feeling.

Today, I bumped into Sean accidentally, but it was a really nice surprise. Then Paul appeared out of nowhere (quite literally) and I had a chat with him. He has a ring in his lip now, it was a surprise. At least I recognised him this time...
Sean accused me of having bad taste 'cause he confused Paul (who's about 17 and just out of school) with an ex-boyfriend of mine, Mike, who's a complete moron and is doing a generic BA, starting this year.

Peter also came and spoke to me. This was less than thrilling. I'm not overly fond of Peter.

And now Jason (who shouldn't really be here 'cause he's not doing Archaeology) is asking me if the email he's sending to a girl he THINKS sent him an anonymous sms of the secret admirer type is okay. As if I would know!
Some people...

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Page last modified on February 21, 2005, at 08:30 AM