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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Hmm ... so I'm sitting here trying to download stuff off the library's online journals, feeling a bit better now - I was not happy when I came in 'cause my throat was a bit sore ... for which I blame Sean! He is sick, therefore it is his fault that I'm sick! I told him not to kiss me and occasionally even had the willpower to remember and enforce it ... very occasionally, and now I begin to pay for my spinelessness...

In other news, Elsevier is being bloody annoying and taking forever and JSTOR is doing bugger all!
However, the good news is that I have Ofer Bar-Yosef's email address and will now be able to email him and ask him for references! Or pdfs.

In other news I will be going to Germany for six weeks in June. Please don't tell me that June doesn't have six weeks - I know that and you know perfectly well that I meant my six weeks would be starting in June! Sean's not entirely thrilled with this, but I've promised to bring him chocolate, so I think he's slightly appeased. But, you have been warned to expect moaning and unhappiness ... and if you don't get it I want to know why!{angry}

AND there's a LARP this weekend :-D AND another LARP next weekend :-D ... So ... Isobel this weekend and Greer next weekend (assuming of course, that Tim and david haven't changed my name like those IoFW? bastards did! Although, to be fair I am willing to concede that Sha're is not exactly appropriate for where I was born ... not that that was where I wanted to have been born either!)

Speaking of which, I noticed that in the bit where they were talking about principal players, they said "Andi" instead of "Isobel" at one point. Not that I know an Andi, but it's what they insist on calling me! {angry} If only they would realise that my name is Andrea. Or Andy. Or, if they must, Andie. But categorically NOT Andi!

Comment: it's ian's fault (by BlueHands on 2005-03-11 12:52:36)

or fuzzy's...i'm point fingers about the spelling of your name now.

okay Andi? ;-)

Comment: the naming of cats (by d@vid on 2005-03-11 14:36:36)

fight it! I find it best to never to mispell your name yourself (e.g. in reference to a misspelling), the doofuses just assume that since you've typed it, it might just be okay

a handy, permanent web reference? to the acceptable spellings can help - also a pointedly descriptive moniker :-) - although DefyEndingWithJustAnI? doesn't have quite the same ring...

Comment: Excuse me (by WombatBoy? on 2005-03-11 16:24:30)

You were the one kissing me, don't go blaming me for your evil, I said "no I'm sick" and then you told me to shut up and stop moaning.

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Page last modified on March 11, 2005, at 10:39 AM