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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. So, I'm up here in my ivory tower, and thankfully Nic has done something about the fish 'cause they no longer smell so awful - but the fish food! It stinks! And I'm terrible when it comes to feeding the fish 'cause I always give them too much or too little - which is why I only do it when I think that no one else is coming in. Which may be the case today, tomorrow being a "public holiday".

In other news, DragonFire? happened. I was there briefly and it was fun. I got to LARP (and I still can't believe that bastard shot me! I'm going to get him for that!), which was fun...
And I got lots of hugs, which made me happy, and saw lots of people that I haven't seen in ages ... which covers most of you, actually!

Otherwise, Steven arrives on Sunday. It's my grandmother's actual birthday on Saturday. My parents leave on Saturday. I have to go to the airport twice in one weekend! This annoys me. Especially since I've never driven to the airport before and I'm worried I might get lost. I know that it's difficult to lose something like an airport, but I've lost a river before (admittedly, that was in Germany, in a place I was completely unfamiliar with, but that's not really the point!)...
And Guen's birthday - for which I have bought her a present, which is why I didn't get to DragonFire? until about half past 5 on Saturday - I blame Sally for that though, I wanted to go shopping much earlier. On the other hand, it did mean that I was at home when Steven phoned me and I got to chat to him, which was nice.

In terms of allowing hordes of CLAWfolk? into my house ... I have decided (against my better judgement) to extend an open invitation to CLAWfolk?. We will be watching Monty Python, because I have 3 of them.
There are some rules though: if you want to get drunk, do it somewhere else.
if you want to smoke, do it outside. if I don't know who you are, I'm not going to let you in.
you may have to sit on the floor and be covered in dog hair - I don't really care, the dogs live there, you don't. (of course, I don't really expect lots of you to arrive, but stranger things have happened). seeing as how it's just going to be me and Steven there, there won't be much in the way of food or drink - so if you want some, bring some.

I suppose you need to know when - given that there are 3 movies and I have a tendency to get cranky when I'm tired, we're going to start relatively early, probably sometime between 16:30 and 17:30. You're welcome to arrive anytime from then on. Oh, on Saturday, the 20th of August.

Beyond that, I am cold and tired. And hungry. Mmmm... food...

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Page last modified on August 08, 2005, at 06:50 AM