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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. as you may have noticed, the mass of stone tools hanging over my head is starting to get to me a little...
oh, the arbitrary dividing lines... the good news: Alex has set up my shiny new database for me :-D
the bad news: I can't get it to work, now that he's unplugged all of his stuff and he's not here... {angry} the other good news: I'm really happy these days :-D
the related bad news: this happiness has been tempered by the realisation of exactly how many bloody stone tools I still have to go through before I can start doing anything more meaningful than sorting :-( the archaeological good news: the accelerator mass spectrometer will be running next week, so that I can run my hair samples and get that done :-p
the isotopic bad news: my printer is working; the monitor is working; the speakers are working; the mouse is working; the keyboard is probably working, but it doesn't have lights so I can't tell; if my scanner wasn't already broken, it would probably be working ... the actual computer itself ... is not working. so I can't print my annotated bibliographies which are due on Monday... {eek}

otherwise, Steven is still here. of course, the fact that he's currently in Geelbek (or somewhere between UCT and Geelbek) is somewhat annoying 'cause I've had enough of stone tools for one day and would now like to go home. but he won't be too late 'cause I have to leave in time to go home and change for belly dancing and I can't imagine Andrew (the guy from the museum that he will be working with next year) being willing to drive him all the way to Bergvliet ... but if he's not back in time, I'm leaving. and if he's not at home by the time that I leave for belly dancing, he'll either have to come and interrupt me or stand around outside until I'm finished. and this means that the dogs will be fed late again!

related to this - belly sweat starts again next month! yay! it's only R80 extra, which is cheap for a second class every week. of course, considering that 2 classes per week is only R200, it works out the same... of course, it's going to be the third class that some people are doing. for those of you who are unaware: belly sweat is an aerobic style belly dancing class, aimed at increasing fitness, etc and should only be considered as a supplement to a proper belly dancing class... I would say that more information is available on Tenille's webpage, but she hasn't updated it recently. that and I really can't imagine that very many of you care.

I should be working, considering the millions of stones still to go through. first I have to decide which are LSA and which aren't. if they're LSA they stay in my (second) cubicle. if they're not, they go back to SARU. thankfully they are already (mostly) sorted into raw materials. I have to sort them into stratigraphic units and from then divide each square into the correct categories. each category in each square in each unit for each raw material gets a label and a bag. all the little bags from one unit of one raw material go into one big bag. now that I have a (semi-)working database, each artefact needs to be entered into it, measured and weighed (depending, of course, on what measurements can be taken for that category, etc.) ... fun isn't it...
I explained all of that to Yancke and Rolf earlier. they ran away. they claim that they had lectures to go to, but I know the truth ... and I sympathise, really I do. if I didn't understand what was going on, I'd want to run away too...

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Page last modified on August 24, 2005, at 02:20 PM