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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Hmm ... Well, that really depends on your definition of it, doesn't it. Anyway, the point of that is that we've got our osteology projects now - and I'm partnered with dodgy Nick. Forgot to tell Sean this yesterday, but I had other things on my mind. Besides which, he turned his phone off and refused to speak to me. Well, no, I think it's more likely that he just forgot that his phone was off - funny how it's never off when I forget that he has Michael's game (grr...) and phone him in the middle of it. No, he won't switch it off then, nor will he switch it off during a test he hasn't told me about, he'll only switch it off when there's no possible reason for it to be off. Or he'll leave it in the car ... or his bag ... and he'll wander over to his brother and refuse to speak to me!

And I'm going to get into trouble for this :-D, oh well, it's not as if I said I was hungry ... although ... :-D.

Anyway, the osteology projects. The two med students who are together are dealing with a skeleton that was dug up in someone's garden not so long ago. It's still sandy with bits of roots on it and there's a really old Schweppes bottle. Sven (the other med student) and Nick (english) have an archaeological specimen - apparently 108 years old at death (Sven checked in the prof's black book of specimens). Will and ... Struan have a forensic case - which they were told is something that he's busy working on himself. Shawn (who wasn't there) and Sibo have an archaeological specimen, I didn't really look at it. Other Nick and I have an archaeological specimen that's in terrible condition - fibrous, falling to pieces ... lovely!

Last week, Sean and I went to see Shall We Dance. This is because he wanted to go to movies with me and it's the only one that was playing at an appropriate time. Ordinarily, time wouldn't have been relevant, but he had to go and kidnap d@vid for their tai chi date later that afternoon. I quite enjoyed it (the movie, not their date). I'm not fond of Jennifer Lopez ... don't care about Richard Gere ... but I loved Strictly Ballroom and Dirty Dancing, so I suppose it's no surprise that I'd like a movie about people dancing.
I did, however, think it was quite funny that Sean had two dates in one day! I don't think he appreciated my calling his kidnapping of d@vid a date, but I also don't think that he particularly cared. Apparently they both enjoyed it!

Otherwise, eeeeeeeeeevil dave has set flower war for the one weekend that I didn't want him to. Since I'm not playing in it, I ordinarily wouldn't care when it was, but that's the weekend we were planning to go away. Things have been worked out and plans are being hatched and incubated.

When Sean and I went to movies the other day ... we also went for lunch, which was nice, it's not so often that we go out, never mind going out with just the two of us. But I bought a book. It was a children's book. The only one in the series that I didn't have. I don't think Sean understood why I bought it though. I'd like a second copy of ... well, almost all the other ones 'cause mine are falling apart ... especially of the one that's missing pages!
However, now that I've completed that set, I can go on to the other set that I want to expand. That one, however, is going to require serious trawling through small, second-hand bookshops. Of which I know few in my area! Oh well, I'm sure I'll find them somewhere! Eventually.

Yancke came to visit me yesterday. He sat up here and we had a nice long chat - which was nice, it means that I didn't have to do any work! Well, no, I still had to do it, but I had a nice excuse not to! And I still have to mark those stupid tutorials!

Today we're having our first archaeological theory lecture. It was supposed to be two weeks ago, but all of a sudden we were spirited off to med. school to do osteology. So, today we start. Luckily, I've already read the required chapters for today ... I wonder who it's going to be...

Do you know - there are people who believe that you can teleport. There was a lot of other stuff in there with that, but that's the important point. Why? I want Sean to be one of those people and to learn how. That will make my life much easier. Then he can teleport himself into my room at night and keep me warm (my room is freezing! Especially in winter!) and then go home at will. And I don't have to worry about him being attacked by lightning and trucks and things...
Also, he might actually be on time occasionally! No, that's not fair - usually when he's late it's because of factors that he cannot control ... or he really doesn't care about whatever it is that he's supposed to be doing...

In other news, I'm cold! I know that that's not surprising. If you're wondering what I'm doing (aside from the obvious), I'm hanging around in the honours lab, waiting until about 8:15, so that I can catch a Jammie to Med. School and not be horribly late for my lecture. It is, however, only 7:40 at the moment. Do not fear, Adam, I will not sit here and pontificate for that entire time! I have four computers to myself. I'm sure that I can find something better to do. Like locating Linzy and prodding her with ... prodding things until she agrees to go to Miller's with us. I know she wants to, she admitted it, she just hasn't told me that she is able to yet.

Sean and I are thinking about having a dinner party ... and a tea party for that matter. We haven't yet decided who to invite, or what to eat ... but I've settled, tentatively, upon a date. We'll just wait for the weekend away to be finished and then we'll start on that. Of course, I'm going away for a whole week in the interim and the preliminary planning of the weekend away has shown that Sean is incapable of this sort of organisation. Why? Because he doesn't want to do it! He wants me to do it all 'cause I'm the fussiest of the two of us. True. Very true. But that's no possible reason for him not to do what I asked him to. It was so simple. He had multiple opportunities, but he didn't do it. So I have done it. This probably isn't a fair reflection on him though - he just likes to plan things with no time in which to prepare. Does he not understand that food must be prepared? Particularly in the case of a weekend away.

And we're going to argue over who to invite and who not to invite. Personally, I think that we should just write a list of people that we want to invite and just keep on having dinner and tea parties until they've all been invited to at least one of each. Or we could just have a big party-type-thing and invite them all. But I like dinner parties. They're cosy and you get food. The problem with dinner parties is that you can only invite so many people - you all have to fit at one table, so unless you have a huge table, you can't invite everyone. If we held it at my house in summer, we could do 6 other people. In winter we'd have to be inside and that would only be 4 other people. Oh well ... although, inside at Sean's house would be ... Either 4 or 6 other people, I don't know. You can invite more people for a tea party 'cause for that they just sit in the lounge and the kitchen and there's plenty of space there!

But enough of that, I only wish that he was here to keep me warm. Yesterday morning was nice. It was pouring with rain outside and we were in here being warm and cosy. And the best bit is that we can lie down in my cubicle and shut the door. It's not the most comfortable arrangement, but it is nice. Unfortunately, it's also conducive to sleep, which was not the plan. Luckily Sean had to go somewhere else before I fell asleep.

Comment: Shall We Dance? (by ElfBoy? on 2005-04-12 10:29:08)

I shunder to think what Gere and Lopez version of this film must be like - go see the earlier Japanese version.

Comment: Too much writing... (by OOPMan on 2005-04-12 11:51:27)

Eyes hurting. Please stop...

Comment: Re: Shall We Dance? (by GraveRobber? on 2005-04-13 06:54:43)

There's an earlier Japanese version? Where will I find it? What is it called?

Comment: Re: Re: Shall We Dance? (by ElfBoy? on 2005-04-14 11:50:53)

It's called "Shall We Dance". You might find it in Nenad's (no, not that Nenad) video store - the one facing into the Rondebosch PnP? parking lot, next to the back entrance of Woolworths.

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Page last modified on April 12, 2005, at 05:46 AM