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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. oh march was horrible and april not much better. They both went on for years and years. Now may is here and holding all sorts of possibilities. Horrible, good, confusticating , they are all there.

Still working for my dad and I think i'm going to stay there...some1 has to take over the business when he retires. Other then that ive started gym again and this time i have my cousin as my personal trainer. Its hard i wont lie but it feels really good doing something and coming home, having a shower and feeling exhausted from gym. Call me weird i dont care but there's just a diffrent feeling to being sore from doing something positive. I felt like an idiot when my arm was sore from holding a book in 1 possition for 3 hours...now my arms are sore from something productive. My enegery levels have gone up, I am handling stress a little better and if you calll now...

as for the topic. My love life is like the ct weather... just under a year of drought, then a flash storm, then nothing again and now its raining. Just so u know i am very confuzzled but will let all intrested parties know when i know what the hell is going on in my life.

I am really happy that i get to see more of Nay these days. There was a long time when we didnt c each other other then per chance. The per chance ratio has gone up and we're making plans. Hell who can give up a friend who pretends to be asleep while u try to be desceet :P

otherwise now im going to go read for a bit and bring down the books im reading at the moment to 4

p.s. Revellus kicked ass!!!!!

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Page last modified on May 08, 2005, at 01:15 PM