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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. After like 4 days of hearing "and in London/UK/etc we have this/that/theother/etc" i think im moving there. Not cause I actually want to live there but because there is som much cool stuff i want to buy/do/etc there but to buy/do/etc those things i need to be earning in pounds (450 of which go to a 7 day LARP not including "kit" ASFAIK)

Other then the day after Dom's "farewell" ive been spending most of this week at my dad's office working hard. I've upgraded from general slave to secretary cause the real one went on leave. I get to play hearts/solitare/spider solitare/freecell/etc. all day long and occasionally there is work.

too much samoosa's today. 1 of the drivers brought back loads from paardeneiland and we were eating them the whole day.

other then that nothing much exciting exept that after tomorrow i should have money again....yay! and i'm being hijacked tomorrow night which should improve my mood since i will be sad angel tomorrow due to somebody leaving at 7:45 in the morning (if any1 has any bazbus stopping abilities looks innocently in Dom's directionwhistle*)

um i will see lots of u on sat night

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Page last modified on March 10, 2005, at 05:33 PM