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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Well ok, so this is me exploring the blog option i'm sure i'll get it, i'm not completely vacant.
So ya. Its been 2 quiet weekends in a row , i think i'm going to go mad, thank whatever for the EOY party on wednesday cause otherwise by next weekend if nothing exciting happened i would b officially insane( i go officially insane a few times a year, nothing to be worried about) but this week and weekend promise to have some form of debauchery. The party on wed and then a party on friday...speaking which, what am i going to wear????!!!???!!{eek}{eek}

right so i think im gonna do a "whats happening with my character" type update for any1 who cares. You can find it on DiaryOfFrei?:-p

(if u havnt guessed, i reeeaaally like the smileys )

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Page last modified on October 11, 2004, at 08:59 AM