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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Wow what a weekend. Compared to the last 2 which have been quiet and relaxed this one was so, not.

Friday was a quiet night tho, went out for supper at family friend's place and then went home and slept! I've been struggling to sleep lately, not really insomnia but my dreams are waking me up, very very disturbing dreams, not really nightmares tho. They don't make me scared or anthing just disturb me to the point where closing my eyes to sleep is a force of will rather then an enjoyable experience.

Saturday shit hit the fan at home when all our stressed minds snapped. It's a really bad time of the year and a really bad year for it to b this time (my last month of college, my sister is writing finals) Went to Garden's center with PrincessAnie? and bought presents and bread and then went to have coffee at the Company Gardens Cafè. Their Cappacino cake is devine! oh and weant to the bead shop earlier that day too. Would have been more fun if i wasn't rushed.

Went back to PrincessAnie?'s place and chatted a bit then went home and avoided my family and killed time till I started getting ready for SkyLark?'s party. As you like it being the theme...I like it dark and stormy so my sister and i tried to do lightning strikes on my finger nails which took and hour with all the smudging and everything.

Got ready and then headed off to fetch SunChaser?, Firsfallen and Phleep. I was meand to stay by Firstfallen but later this was changed cause of stuff(nothing really actually, stuff just changes with no real reasons anyway)

The party was AWSOME , i had lots of fun and I think skylarks friends that are not CLAW members were abit freaked out by the very inoccent games of "pass the ice"

Didn't think it would be possible to meet more people this year , well nice , cool fun people but i did.

So between "pass the ice", debauchery in the chillroom and breaking little Simon we made it to 5:30am. Hungry, overtired and ready to leave. We drove through to the all night Spar and bought eggs and sasauges and bacon and watched the sunrise from the store while we waited for the credit card to clear. Went back to Sunchasers appartment and Her, Sheilagh , BabyAcid? and I stood in the kitchen till breakies wa ready, ate in the lounge and chatted. BabyAcid? and I then played "UNO stacks" which is a more complicated version of JENGA. Then moved on to playing 30 seconds, without the 30 seconds or the board and skipping things we didnt feel like assking. Sunchaser and BabyAcid? passed out which just left 2 of us going through the cards, exept for BabyAcid? randomly answering questions in his sleepishness.

Got home around 10:45, had a shower, decided "hey i dont get any sleep in my bed, lets try the couch" for those of you who know the 1 big couch i have in the lving room, or the couches i have in my tv room, u will understand why i had a relatively good sleep there.

Woke up at 4:30-ish, had another shower, got dressed, went to feed my neighbours fishies (why does fish food smell like fish?)Chatted a bit online and then went to game. Was entertaining, but i wont tell u about it here, that is what Frei's diary is for (Princess Anie's too) and I am sure BabyAcid? will mention something.

Well time to face another week, on friday i get to congradulate myself on my greatest act of willpower ever so far...

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Page last modified on October 18, 2004, at 07:43 AM