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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. well its been a quite few weeks, so i'm not gonna do a major recap some highlights were:
Friday night at Mels and Dave

Having the pizza guy walk in on us watching "The ultimate sex guide"

Having a friend in the uk say he will buy my
boots for me for my 21st

and a day at the horse races with Mels(it was my dad's money and i did what he asked)

Other than that my birthday is coming up. 21st yay! You are all welcome to come , but call me first to tell me cause i need to make a guest list since the venue is going to be Gotham. So for those of you who got invites...it's not longer at One Ring.

Gotham is going to be CT's new and exclusive goth clb, and when i say exclusive , i mean invite only. So let me know if you want to come, i will also tell you what to wear cause it is a dress up.

Speaking of guest lists, who wants to be my bouncer? I need some1 who knows everyone from CLAWs or connected to so that if some1 does forget to call me and tell me but i do know them they can be allowed in anyway...Any takers?

Ya so those of you who did get invites...please let me know if you are coming, ta :-D

Comment: Grammar? (by InfernalRabbi? on 2004-10-27 11:52:11)

Please tell me that "Other then that" was a typo.
Please tell me that you know what should really be there.

Comment: no sorry (by GoldenAngel? on 2004-10-28 09:56:17)

er...me pleeds hebrish

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Page last modified on October 27, 2004, at 08:48 AM