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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. now i had this english teacher who was obsessed with cliche's and i actual recently has a chat about her with some1, you could use cliches only if they were absolutely neccessary and the the 1 in my title is.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I am a happy angel and some of you know while others may guess why adding my title and the "weeeeeeeeeeeeee" bit together . if u need nother hint i got what ive been wanting since somerset west.yay :-D

had fun nbight last night, started off at Dom's place where i met his flat mate Jesse and Dom made spicey tuna pasta for dinner, very yummy. Then moved on to touch of madness...a little late...but how were we to know that every1 would show up on time, besides we're both jewish and therfore could be late due to our inherit jewish time. We were at touch till closing chatting , having chocolate cake, drinking nice red wine (and by we i mean Ian, Michelle,Beth and Warren left at around 12, Shelagh, Dom and myself were the ones that left at closing time)Dancing, singing , playing with energy. Then we moved on to find a place in ct that was open at 3am (and by we i mean Dom and Myself)

We landed up at the shack till they closed... and the rest is well..ahem

yay so appart form the killer cramp in my calf which woke me up
me is happy happy happy

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Page last modified on March 08, 2005, at 10:21 AM