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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. wow what a weekend!

the week itself was nothing spectacular. worked at my dad's place had 2 job interviews, pulled a muscle behind the knee.

Thursday night at maynardville was fun. Hobbled around on my poor injured leg for most of the night but all i drank was a shot of polish vodka (ta E i owe u a shot) other then that the indonisian was yummy and so was the ice cream.

Friday started off with my Sifu giving me another massage behind the knee. Sounds luxurious? think again. pain pain pain pain and more ppain is what i got and he knows his pressure points...in a bad way*. pain!
Later went for a Job interview which seemed to go very well but i will know only after monday. Then what i have been waiting for aaaalll week. The over night LARP. WOW WOW WOW WOW. It was sooooo much fun. Real time EVERYTHING. so If you want some one t stop running away by using a binding spell, u have to run after then doing the full verbal. If you want to throw a fireball at some one, you have to do the full verbal and hope they dont get behind some1 else before u finish it. It's incredible, so diffrent! we finished around 3:30-4ish and debreifed till about 5. I was already falling asleep on the window sill so when Ian said "we've been invted next door for a drink"(there was a pub next door, the patrons of whoich kept wondering thru and having diffrent reactions ) i thought nah...then Dom mangaed to convince me that 1 drink wont hurt. 1 drink didnt hurt, neither did 2 or three or Dom's bottle of Captain Morgan. We landed up sitting at the pub till about 8 , had a couple of drinks, played some pool, then i went to the bathroom and when i came back Dom had been kicked out the bar and so we started cleaning up the baroom we used for the game. Then we got all out bedding and put it on the floor under the window sill and just talked and talked about RPG and other stuff. Wow , Dom talks about his LARP characters the same way i talk about Frei and Rayne. We need Curious Pastimes here aswell, it sounds like loads of fun.

Ian woke up at about 9ish and joined us and then michelle got woken up by Ian's alarm on his phone which ian thought he had cause an alarm went off on a phone which he thought was his but turned out to be a bob's. Slowly slowly every one woke up and amongst the last was our very own zombie, Garrick who had had a wonderfull affair with the box of quaffling red wine. We slowly started packing up and getting out and most of us (not including Roo, Bronwen, Graeme(sp) and i cant remember who else left after debrief. Garrick went straight home after packing up) went through to Beth's house (apparently she's been debobbed by the CLAWthing) we had scrambled eggs with mushrooms and cheese and sat talking. I made pretty squares on Dom's back with my nails(i wonder if those lasted till today). Michelle and Ian were the first to leave, then Bob and Bob and then Shelagh, myself and Dom. Beth has loads of baby turtles and a dog that hides in the bedroom when u mention going for walks and a very very nice house.

Got home around 4 , had lunhc with my family and then went to bed till 9, where i got up, got dressed up as a teacher and went thru to gotham for return of the kink. Got a cane to carry around from Chloe, got a very yummy flogging from AzGoth? and sat in the chillroom till 2. at like 12/12:30 the police raided gotham cause they heard reports of Satanism and Drug dealings. pffffft.

ya so wow what a weekend. Game tonight , i hope it's an eventful 1 it will just make all things perrrrfect

  • Dom also knows his pressure points...all the right ones :-p
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Page last modified on March 06, 2005, at 10:34 AM