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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. and i can say saftley that the first half of this month has been better then my whole year. 2 weekends ago spending time with Princess_Anie and Dave42 on friday night, being herd at IoFW? on saturday night till i left to go to an AWSOME concert by Revellus. It had all the makings of a successful concert...panty flining, stage diving and even a fight with forced removal by the bouncer( for those of you who know Bear: the guy who was being escorted out was so drunk he was trying to fight Bear off. For those of you who dont know Bear, he is the doorman and bouncer at Gotham, BIG tattoo'd american guy, was asked to be a model for Harley Davidson)

The weeks go on as normal work gym home with the occasional outing afterwards. Monday i skipped gym and went to Nadine's place where she made us spagbol and then we went to watch "Head in the Clouds". If you are into dramas, this is , IMHO, a very good film. Tuesday i was going to have a nice quiet night, but landed up babysitting a 1y/o a 4y/o and a 7y/o. Wasnt as bad as i expected. Wed night was the usual WMV, Mallrats is soo much fun. Thursday night was the castle falkenstein module at Ian's flat and it was the weekend again, just like that.

'deebs house warming was fun, there were some very iiinteresting and scarey people i didnt know and the regular iiiinteresting and scarey people i do. Then Garrick took us to gotham where i fell asleep on the couch and then was given amarula coffee and more amarula and strawberry vodka from marcia and well i was awake then for a while till we went home. Saturday Flower Wars was awsome, i think we all finally understood the concept and really got into it this time. then again to Gotham, where again i fell asleep, but there was no marcia to help me wake up and i have no idea at what time we left. Yesterday was nice and relaxing with a nice phonecall in the evening and then Garrick's game and a headache from hell, which i still have...o well back to extracting money from unwilling insurance companies

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Page last modified on May 16, 2005, at 05:57 AM