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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Disclaimer: if you dont like my spelling deal with it

wow it really has been a while since i posted. Before my birthday, before betties bay, before new years, before gotham actually opening.

my birthday: lots of fun i u were there u would know, my domanatrix barbie cake that made your mouth go black, my hedious pink skirt etc.

Betties bay see Shelagh's blog she summarised it perfectly

New Years:
see Erica's pictures int he picture gallery. Thanks Julie and Al for the yummy breakfast on sat morning. For some Reason on saturday night we decided it would be a good idea to go to 1 ring to see bruce shrug but landed up spending most of the night at firstfallen's place and she made yummy food for us.

Can u say addicted? I am there very weekend and I love it. Made some awsome new friends from a combination of DarkLight? and Gotham (which has now got these ice aircon thingies in the chill room/bar room so if you read my artical note there is a change to the overall temprature there, it is possible to sit in there)

Other then that i am looking for a job, no luck so far (obviously!) and just wasting time at home.

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Page last modified on February 24, 2005, at 09:34 AM