TheFoolLooksAtAFingerThatPointsAtTheSkyYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I must actually be busy, since I still owe jessica a bleme* - the only situation more dire is that my new aggregator doesn't parse my own previous post because of an em-dash shortly, I will be very unbusy, all the way until Icon, which in some ways is awesome and in some ways not actual blog worthy events have included:
the soup did not come in bite size chunks***, but my brief opinion is that blogs-as-personal-diaries have already happened - their increase in popularity is riding on the coattails of blogs as feeds for other things (application news, writing books, opinion - and InstaPundit is so off my feedroll as of today: too much, too brief, too right wing) so anyway, the Icon tidbits I have are:
see you all then, or after * because it's /not/ a meme - if you know what a meme is, you get confused when you hear about blemes - silly bloggers can't appropriate jargon that's still fermenting outside public conciousness (this neologism coined by john m the elder)
and yeah, like everyone else I thought blemes were silly until I was pinged, so I'll get round to it, like everything else ** in the end, the CLAWsite? will host a little and aggregate a lot of CLAWs-relevant content - I may be biased in my take on where web design is going
*** and one of the things I'll get round to is just damn well reading, whole paragraphs at a time, without links, even