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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I've just spent all afternoon listening to Geoffrey Oryema's "Exile" (pretty good, but nothing beats 'Nomad') and the White Stripes' "Get Behind Me Satan", but I was in a better mood even before that

earlier in the week, I took all day to install the project I've been assigned to and watched in reality-draining terror as a progress bar went backwards

but, I've come to terms with a permanent state of existential angst (pfft, crises indeed), and it has been somewhat comforting to discover it's a condition shared by other people I respect

too much introspection, or perhaps its too little resolution, is frustrating, though - see ref. to progress bar - so I no longer feel guilty throwing myself into my minor projects and occasional distractions; although I recognise I really need to start living my ideologies rather than being delirious when I meet others that do it for me

and I should to stop reading so many blogs (pfft)

an aggregation of recent projects and minor distractions...

  • posted on the work blog
    • and thereby deciding that the tiki needs an upgrade, and ada was right all along
      • (she wanted a wiki and a blog, side-by-side)
      • grit your teeth and learn Markdown, because it rocks, and Change is Good
    • and discovered personalised Google
  • learnt to read (a bit more) music, despite my tutor's exasperation - I actually understand what a key is!
  • on that note, begun bookmarking into my del.icio.us in earnest
    • still not sure as to how I want to structure my tags
    • eventually, I won't need to share links by email - I realise this requires teaching people to subscribe to feeds, but pimping gmail just isn't a challenge any more (email is so C20)
    • looking forward to Feedlounge entering beta (assuming I get a golden ticket)
  • helped save Cape Town from being drained of mystical energy and/or invaded by fallen angels
    • and thereby shown that the Technocracy does have a heart, if you know where to look, have a microscope, and Reality is at stake
    • don't get me started on action resolution in that session of Illusion of Free Will
      • I whole-heartedly approve of the GMs? handing over action resolution to the players
      • but when they're doing it wrong, ya just gotta step in and take charge
    • yeah, and other LARP-y, SCAdian? and even roleplaying stuff - Flower War 2, Shire Birthday, more LARP consultancy, maybe even a character for Yancke's 7th Sea campaign, and a rumours mailing list for Brendan's UA game
  • working on a project upgrade for an important client, with an immenent deadline and a project manager who cracks the whip in such a friendly way you don't notice (they call him The Master, just wait till I bring MLWM in to work)
    • which is why I'm at work today

is the the publishing phenomenon of feed aggregation recognised outside the blogosphere? (I mean the little orange boxes you see in blogs and other newsy sources) - I'll admit in some ways it's just announcement-lists-but-different, but there's also a grassroots/reputation vibe to it that I quite like

which is quite unlike the grassroots vibe of Geoffrey Oryema and the White Stripes, or, indeed, "Geoffrey Oryema and the White Stripes" :-D

forthcoming: more good news about exams, I hope, more work (more whips, more blogging), Plush (at last), a trip home (the one in Durban), Icon (and hopefully a zammow-spit braai), and regret to links not made after I hit "save"

(serendipitous article link via All Too Human, "Who said a comic strip couldn't be profound?" - well it certainly wasn't me)

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Page last modified on June 12, 2005, at 09:07 PM