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MyrdemInggala's ancient, undated ramblings (and also one from the end of 2003, the brief chaotic period when time gained meaning and the universe rapidly expanded).

Sorry, ElfBoy took me to a cosmology lecture on Wednesday, and I'm reading Science of the Discworld. This should wear off soon.

30 October 2003

All your date are belong to my posts, for great clarity!

Simon and I went to see Mort yesterday, and it rocked. Death was very impressive. So as I said on irc earlier: if you have tickets, w00t, if you haven't been able to get tickets, you have my condolences, and if you couldn't be arsed to get tickets, you suck. :P

And if you are a user and/or supporter of Linux (or BSD) at UCT, check out LEG's .]] Hooray!

We've got this discussion list called Cthudmasters?. It was created so that DMs? could get together and discuss DM-ish stuff, like interesting campaign resources (name generators, maps, monsters), interesting ways of running campaigns, etc. (obviously without giving away too much to people on the list who are also playing in our campaigns).

This discussion list doesn't seem to have gotten off the ground. I (as the technical list owner) occasionally get a notice that says "post something in the next 30 days or the group will get deleted", and I post something, and it doesn't get deleted.

So, er, why don't we DMs? actually use this group? Is there nothing for us to talk about? I think that the group could be a valuable resource for new DMs?.

If you would like to sign up to this mailing list, details are up on ClawsMailingLists?.

I have just acquired the D&D 3rd edition core set in second hand for R600. Now I can stop hogging the Claw copies. Hooray!


Okay. ElfBoy? has ranted this rant before, but I am compelled to repeat it, since it didn't seem to stick the first time.

When you make a new Wiki page, please, please, for the love of all that is good and holy, give it a name that makes sense!

I'm not complaining about the chocolate danish cultists here (although see two paragraphs down). I'm talking about those folks who make a page called Foo, and then start making subcategories of Foo called things like Index, Contents, Some Stuff, Some More Stuff, etc. Please don't do that! Do not assume that everyone who reads these pages will have accessed them from Foo. They could have accessed them from halfway across the Wiki, and be under the reasonable impression that they are supposed to be, for example, the index and contents pages of the entire Wiki.

So, firstly, include Foo in all the subcategory names. Make them all start with Foo, for example. And do not call anything Stuff. Please.

Secondly, use bloody WikiWords?! It's what they're for. Do not make up silly, elaborate names with lots of spaces! These are URLs you're making up, and the space is not an allowed URL character. If someone wants to access your page directly, they have to type annoying %20s all over the place. This is crappy.

Note that you can link to pages with any text, like this?


Thank you for your attention. And yes, I'm going to put my mouse where my mouth is and ensure that all my campaign setting subcategories cannot possibly be confused with anything else.

So you went to the Community Chest Carnival book stall five minutes before closing time on Saturday, got all caught up in the ten-rand-a-box frenzy, and you woke up on Sunday morning next to two boxes full of Reader's Digest condensed novels which you dimly remember prising triumphantly out of the resisting fingers of a little old lady with pink hair just as they were throwing everyone out. Except that now your purchase doesn't seem to be such a good idea anymore, since you don't actually want two boxes full of Reader's Digest condensed novels. So what do you do?

Why, tag them, release them into the wild and track their progress across the globe - all with .]] Whee!

According to the UCT webpage, I have passed honours with a whole 53%. Does happy dance. Well, that makes me feel a lot better.

Well, my honours degree is over. I may have failed. I might have passed. Either way, I am immensely glad it's done. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but boy, was it not fun. I have the greatest respect for professional mathematicians, but I am now quite certain that I don't want to be one, thanks.

Now I shall attempt to recover my lost computer programming skills, and get a job. Hooray!

Read .]] Hooray!

I'm going to update the WebComics? page now. Hooray!

Oh, yeah, please RSVP to the party invitation (see below). I need to know approximately how many people to cater for. Email me at ada@rivendell.mth.uct.ac.za. Thanks.

I shall be 21. Hooray! I think I'm getting a watch from my parents. Mmmmm, watch.

w00t! Am back from Jo'burg / Mozambique; still alive and apparently only slightly more tanned. Saw Erica, Cassandra, Blonde Sean and Grant pre-Mozambique. Saw Grant, Robyn, Peter Render, Alan Kent and other people I know from Icon post-Mozambique. Great fun. Am very glad to be back. Kittens enormous.

Please all come to my birthday party; it will be on the 18th of January at 8 pm in the bar area outside the opera in the Artscape theatre building. As far as I know. In the unlikely event that Osama Bin Laden is spotted having tea in the Artscape cafeteria this week and the theatre gets nuked from orbit, the party will move to the Designated Emergency Venue, that is Simon's house.

There will be snacks and some drinks provided; also a cash bar. Please bring your own goat. It's a masquerade ball, so dress up and put on a mask.

Happy Christmas / Hanukkah / Solstice / Miscellaneous December Holiday!

This year I have scored (most notably) Night Watch and The Lord of the Rings (funky black-on-black edition).

I have also discovered a new bookshop on Long Street (name escapes me, but it's one of the first at the top end; opposite the one with a cardboard sword in the window which I think is called Bookwise) which has a fecking huge sci-fi section. The prices oscillate around R15. I had to restrain myself from buying more than ten books so as to have money for other people's presents too. Have received cash for Christmas; am going back.

Am also buying new Pratchett diary, which apparently has vampires. w00t!

Brothers and sisters, verily I say unto you, I have seen the glory that is CAFDA, and I say w00t! For they have Fantasy and Science Fiction, yea, and also comics! And the shelves are Tall and Endless, and everything costs Four Rand.

I'd tell you what I bought, but I left the bag in the car. Highlights include many SF anthologies, some lovely vintage Ray Bradbury, and Stranger in a Strange Land (for Simon).

Squeeee! Simon and I have kittens! It's a litter of five, which is a very large number of kittens to have come out of a very small cat. The mommy cat, Noether, was a bit confused at first, but her parental skills seem to be improving.

The kittens have been temporarily designated as Shub-Niggurath (the black and white one with the black face), Hastur (the black and white one with the white spot on its cheek), Nyarlathotep (the other black and white one), Azathoth (the white one with tabby patches) and Great Cthulhu (the tabby).

They're little squirmy rats at the moment. We're expecting the cuteness factor to increase exponentially over the next few weeks.

If you would like to adopt a kitten about six weeks from now, let us know. There will be photographs up soon at KittenMarket?. ;)

Is anyone else regularly having dreams about GettingAnotherClawroom? or is it just me?

Wanna see something cthuloid? Here are some BabyPictures? of Bob and Dave, my ovarian cysts. They're really, really icky - don't say I didn't warn you.

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Page last modified on November 26, 2008, at 10:00 PM