SomewhereInTheHellThatIsTelkomYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Sorry it's taken me sooo bloody long to post but I've been really busy (as is becoming the trend in my life) sigh. So my ADSL died during the weekend and was finally resurrected this afternoon.:-D This means that at least I won't get sworn at when my boss returns from his Hell that is being married. My weekend was long but definately not restful in any way, shape or form. Got sick on Friday, had everyone (Max,Dobby,Ritchie,Chang,Chad) over at the house all weekend so guess who ended up cooking and cleaning up.{angry}On the bright side, I got trashed quite a bit too.(Now that I mix my own cocktails at home, yay!) Recently saw Robots, was classic. I never thought Booby Spears would make me laugh so hard.:-D Also really enjoyed Lemony Snicket, was awesome. I think everyone should see it (especially the bunch living in that "South American" flavoured house.) My brother's been living with us (the boyf and I)these past 2 weeks. He's having a blast. He plays computer games all day whilst watching dvds and eating junk. We're spoiling him, we shouldn't ever have kids they'll grow up on ice-cream and cake. I miss everyone alot so hi! Today I'm going to Wanderers to watch the cricket(along with Max,Bubbles,Nick,Dobby,Dahling,Ritchie,Chang,Chad,Charlie,Lisa,Bishop,Tamarisk and Damien) Just under 3 hours o work then I can go sleep on a nice patch o grass for 4 hours. Don't even ask me what the difference is between 20 and not 20 over cricket. I'm still not even sure what an over is. I think I'll stick with soccer. Congrats Susan and Andrea, I guess, 2 years is ages.:-D I haven't even managed 1 with anyone. My friend Lisa's pregnant and her dog just had puppies but 7 died. In my opinion one shouldn't go round having 13 pups at once in any event. Once again I ask, is there a date for the next IoFW?? Booking a flight now would be better than waiting cos I don't have another 2 grand... I have one last thing to say, and that thing is : "SQUISHY!" Comment: date of IoFW? (by BlueHands on 2005-04-01 14:56:37)'s tentatively 7 May, but keep that under your hat please. |