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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. My boss has been arrested and is currently in court posting bail. That makes me feel a little bit silly but at least he pays me. I'm not sure what he was arrested for, something about illegal ammunition... (I couldn't hear him properly the reception was shite)

During lunch I'm going to buy a pair of fishnets for Rocky Horror tonight. It's fucking freezing in Jo today but I won't let that stop me from having a good time.

Yay, I'm not pregnant, I'm just getting really fat. I kid you not, you'll see on the 7th May.

My puppies' eyes are open!! How exciting, I can't wait to take them home and name them.

Haven't got much else to say so I'll end with a quote which follows on from yesterday's one: " If you want to sleep with the whole of South Africa, then you may as well move out because I don't want a slut in my house." My uncle is soooo weird.

Comment: sleeping with the fishes (by d@vid on 2005-04-22 11:14:54)

not that I wish my boss went to jail, or that your boss stayed there, but still, how many people outside of organized crime could say that their boss did time? ;-)

Comment: Hmmm... (by MyrdemInggala on 2005-04-22 12:32:01)

Regarding boss: o_O ... find out if he was hoarding illegal ammo (paranoid paramilitary Joburgers!) or smuggling illegal ammo; if it's the latter, perhaps it's time to explore other job prospects. ;)

Regarding uncle: o_O (especially in light of prior quote)

Well, at least you're not pregnant. :)

And ooooooooh, puppies! Are we going to see photos of the puppies?

Comment: Re: Hmmm... (by WednesdayleFey? on 2005-04-22 13:20:39)

Photos will be posted as soon as I officially own the puppies ie. when their mommy doesn't growl at me anymore.

Also I don't think my boss is doing anything that illigal because he's extremely anal and a control freak and he refuses to deal with the government because they're shady.

Comment: Geeeh (by WombatBoy? on 2005-04-22 14:05:22)

Reality it definately constant with respect to time, I turn my back for like half a year and all hell breaks lose.

That and my dice are rolling really badly.


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Page last modified on April 22, 2005, at 08:24 AM