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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. .... but whether that's a good thing or not remains to be seen.

Garrick's sneaky NPC who I started the fight with (hereafter known as that blue bitch - aka Belladonna) pulled some funky mojo on Abby and she was taken out of the combat after a whole three rounds (of preparation for ripping her to shreads). So now Abby am completely besotted with the blue bitch and when this wears off she will most likely have tipped over the edge from leaning towards insane to being a violent barking lunatic. But we're all still undead and the party is neatly broken into groups of two (we're sharing each other's situations and pain). Next week should be interesting.

Mutter mutter - the traffic this morning was inexplicably insane. Took me forty minutes to get to campus despite the fact that I left earlier than normal to be here for the 9am meeting. Yup - Shelagh is being a good girl and trying not to even so much as sneeze out of line. I need to finish this year and hopefully my mental health agrees {confused}

Still contemplating running a mini campaign idea that I have for an angels/demons storyline - just to hammer out some chinks in the system and find out whether or not I can actually DM (and to get people off my back who keep insisting that I should ;-)). Setting and feel is my own mix of Dogma, Prophecy, Good Omens and a dose of imagination on my part. So an indication of interest would be cool - will probably only happen in the latter half of the year.

Comment: system testing (by d@vid on 2005-01-24 13:45:33)

if you want to run a once-off or two to try out system(s) or setting ideas, why not use Midweek Mayhem? this year the plan is to have "feedback" on GMing?/play (if you want it)

I'd be keen to try anything out, including a new GM ;-) but I can't say at this stage if I'd be able to join a campaign

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Page last modified on January 24, 2005, at 09:57 AM