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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Yup - I have successfully returned to the land of those being lectured and I have survived the first three days. The only casualty being a R550 bloody parking fine from UCT traffic dept. While I conceed that I was parked in a yellow bay and will pay the R100 for that I refuse to cough up R450 for an apparent lack of UCT parking disc. So hopefully the argument goes well for me. Not sure who to complain to, or plead my case two. But watch this space.

First day of lectures was god awfully boring - introduction and repetition of the same thing at least five times - in case we missed it I guess.

But my maths, natural science and biology lectures over the the past two days have been awesome !!!

Anyhow - that is the quick update for now. Catch ya on the flipside.

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Page last modified on February 23, 2005, at 09:32 PM