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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Long time no update. Had a very busy and on occassion traumatic week last week. For those who don't know - I have deregistered from my course and will be heading back up to Natal for a bit before I come back (and you can bet that I will be back).

Having my mom around has actually proved to be pretty cool. Have been hurtling around the place seeing doctors and specialists and have been reffered to yet another one for when I get back up to Natal - my medical aid hates me I'm sure.

Monday was pretty traumatic when my psychiatrist hit me from left field with the notion that I WILL be going home with my mom. Was completely broken after that appointment and spent most of the day curled up in my room.

Then on Friday (skipping through the other crap that happened during the week) I went to see the Neuropsychiatrist that I had been reffered to. You see, when I took my swan dive off the garage roof way back in 1997 I actually damaged my brain, but this was not mentioned to the folks and no treatment. It turns out, now 7 years later that I have damage to my frontal lobe (and one other part that I can't remember) in that the tissue has atrophied and is no longer there. Not a huge chunk - don't get me wrong, but enough that you can see it pretty easily on my CT and MRI scans. So they think that that may be playing a role in my current situation. Hence the referral to the next specialist in Natal to determine if this is so and to what extent. The Neuropsychiatrist was very sweet and seemed very interested - in fact he asked if he could photograph my scans for use in lectures. So at least part of me will be famous...

Have had a pretty crap weekend mood wise and still not feeling great. I'm going to endeavour to see as many people as possible before I leave, but a large gathering will probably freak me out, so apologies if you don't see me - you definitely will when I come back.

Well that's basically me - so ciao. (Haven't spell checked - so deal)

Comment: Sarcasm? (by ElfBoy? on 2005-05-30 18:35:32)


Thankfully our bodies and brains seem to be excellent at re-assiging functionality to other areas.

Scientific enquiry: /. recently linked to an article on how people who have missing frontal cortexes have trouble detecting sarcasm (and generally ascribing motives to the behaviour of others). Have you noticed any of this?

Happy recuperating in Natal :|.

  • H

Comment: Pressie (by MoonFlake? on 2005-06-02 10:08:13)

I saw something that reminded me of you so i bought it. Hope i get a chance to give it to you before you leave.

Come visit. We miss you. :-(

Comment: Seconded (by FirstFallen? on 2005-06-02 16:02:01)

Have fun in Natal (if one can :P). Hope to see you before you go, but if not, take care of yourself. Be happy, be safe, and be back soon. huuuuugs :-)

Comment: I hope (by ToothpasteDealer? on 2005-06-03 11:57:31)

To see you in October/November if you're in CT. I still have to buy you a drink from the night after Kait's farewell!! get better soon!

Comment: Hole in the head... (by OOPMan on 2005-06-07 11:46:36)

Ouch, sorry to hear about your brain dilemma. Well, thank goodness the brain is quite adaptive though. Hopefully they'll have you in returnable shape. Good luck :-)

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Page last modified on May 30, 2005, at 11:50 AM