AndWeAllDiedYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Well, by we I mean Abby my vampire character. The rest of the group didn't get their opportunity to kill me - I managed to take myself out most dramatically. With such a good roll too..... :-( But perfectly in character - so sad, but unavoidable. The overnight LARP was really cool - despite being really tired and sick. Yes, my notoriously hateful immune system has struck again. I have been laid down with flu (oh my aching bones) and my sinuses are trying to test the pressure theory and the breaking point of my bones. May have to make another trip back to the doctor tomorrow for the antibiotics I shrugged off on Friday. The overnight LARP was awesome - we managed to confuse some of the local teeny boppers who were at the club next door. They wanted to know what we were on at one point to which Dom replied, "Most of us are on crack." Cool. It was awesome - real time casting and combat etc was a great change to the normal - it flowed well. Wanted to go to the reurn of the kink party at Gotham, but crashed out instead. So while the rest of them play on I sit here and update all of you dear readers. But that is all I can tell you now, so I'll say bye bye. Comment: Vitamin C (by FuzzyTeddy? on 2005-03-06 21:27:50)Lots of it, it will fend off, at least a bit, anything that you could possibly have. Will supply it if you want :-D Comment: like they told me when liluish died (by GoldenAngel? on 2005-03-07 06:54:18)you dont hve to kill yourself now that abby is dead. Comment: They lie (by InfernalRabbi? on 2005-03-07 10:40:04)once a character dies, one is required to end ones life in as similar way possible to the character's death. Or is that only D&D? Comment: Re: They lie (by MyrdemInggala on 2005-03-07 12:17:12)Hmm. I was under the impression that one had to hang oneself. At least if the eminently qualified Mr Jack Chick is to be believed. I haven't yet had the opportunity to do this, since the only D&D campaign character I've had die on me was promptly resurrected by my thoughtful party members. If I ever play in another D&D campaign, I'll have to familiarise myself with the proper player suicide protocol, so as not to commit an embarrasing social faux pas. |