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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Have a meeting set up with my supervisor on Thursday at 10am - so hold thumbs.

Still feeling crap - but the support from people has been phenomenal - thanks to everyone who has rallied round. Being kept busy and distracted which is mainly good, so I am in fact still here. I have also been banned from any suicide plans because people claim that they will not attend my funeral. Poot.

Well - thought I'd just let people know I'm still alive. Yay - reading at the Holistic Lifestyle fair again this weekend. Also have an appointment to do a reading for a lady out in the Northern suburbs tomorrow evening. She bought my voucher that I donated to an auction for raising funds for the tsunami.

K bye.

Comment: Long distance support! (by LothrielPixie? on 2005-02-04 12:35:04)

Hope it all went well!

As mentioned that supervisor of your sounds like she has issues! Can you not drag in some independent, unbiased superior type-people or something?


panda huggles

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Page last modified on February 01, 2005, at 05:40 PM