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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. If I had one problem with the xbox, it is the lack of quality fighting games - by which I mean tekken.

So priority in acquiring games has gone to fighting games, looking for something worth playing. Well, I've got two winners. One, predictably, is Dead or Alive 3: a pretty game of rock-paper-sissors. Dynamic levels, huuuge breasts and a dodgy aerosmith soundtrack make this a fun game.

The other winner is much more left field. EA tried to get into the wrestling game market a while back. Their fighting system never really took off, and the dominant game of that genre (Smackdown by errr.... THQ?) remained dominant.

So EA did something crazy. They replaced wrestlers with Hip Hop "stars". And turned up the violence. So now you too can see Snoop Dogg hit Ice-T with a lead pipe in a dank room. It's ultra violent. It's loud, and they even have a good reason for you to wear ten tonnes of bling. They also added fighting styles (kickboxing, wrestling, submission, martial arts and street fighting - and cominbations of the above) to make it more interesting then any pure wrestling game.

It's definitely fun.

By the by, I'm currently interning at Lowe Bull, an advertising agency who (among other things) do the axe ads. Fun with models. Weee.

Comment: models with fun (by d@vid on 2004-10-25 12:32:16)

thankfully my sister has already done an axe ad

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Page last modified on October 24, 2004, at 08:17 PM