TheMoviesYou are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Not the game, which seems to have been in production for about four years, but the obvious movie, and a tempting movie. First I'll do the most brief personal review of Star Wars. What you've just missed is the gigantic sigh I took after that full stop, which I suppose, should be a warning. Except that's not true. As a movie, it's not that bad. In fact it would fit into the "better" three movies as opposed to the really poor ones. It just falls into a lot of the same potholes Lucas has before. Too many, too long fight scenes. No real need for actors at all. Bad one-liners (The Gubernator would be embarressed). Still, it's enjoyable while you're watching it. On a nit-picky note: Future Geek parents are going to have to have a plan to show these to children, because if watched in order the whole soap opera "Luke, I am your father" and "She's my sister" bit rather lose the interest if you're seen it before. In fact they devalue the last/first three movies into a sequence at the end of Jedi were the heavy breather decides he doesn't like his boss. And it's sadly always going to end with a teddy bear's picnik. The other movie I watched was Sin City, which was an exercise in temptation. A friend of mine and I had both read the comics, and were suitable fanboy excited when the movie was announced. So when one day he tells me that he saw a copy at one of those dodgy DVD dealers, I told I didn't care: I'll watch it on the big screen. Cut to three weeks later. A friend of his has Sin City. No worries, I don't want to watch it on a handcam. Then two weeks ago he's telling me how amazingly awesomely good it is. Still don't care, it'll be better on the big screen - I am strong. Then he starts lending his copy to people at work, which is fine by me, see no evil, hear no evil. Until that fate full day when he just casually drops a written dvd on my desk and says something like "Here's Sin City. Watch, don't watch. Up to you." He does this at 9am. By 9pm I had watched it. And it was good. |