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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I'm not perfect you know, I have flaws: one the biggest of which is my inability to find good gifts.

I could enthrall (bore) you with tales of my difficulties in this regard, but to cut to the witty soul of my piece: this year I didn't. It was, in fact, easy. And I could afford them too.

Hmmmph. Time to fall back on an old favourite.

Otherwise...what has been happening in my life (I try to avoid Loth's And-Then-I-Did narrative. Too much effort).

My year at AAA school of advertising has ended and I've graduated. Did rather well. Now I'm looking for a job in an industry that has His Honourable Excellent Grace, Mr Mbeki's counternace firmly frowning at it. It's so much fun being a pale male.

Anyway, touchwood I'm good enough to be hired anyway. Touch wood again, though I probably shouldn't do this in public.

Again, anyway, I'm not travelling down to the cape for new year's. Very sad, but I shall do my utmost to get thoroughly wasted in the thinner air up here. I'm told it's one of the hidden benefits, lower oxegyn content increases "drunkness". No doubt backed up by firm, scientific evidence.


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Page last modified on December 20, 2004, at 10:16 PM