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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. As fervent readers (who? where?) may or may not know, I like a computer game with storyline and character. Adventure games where a grand part of that, but a few rpgs also fit the bill.

Recently I've started playing Vampire: Bloodlines. It's based on the Half-life 2 engine, so it's pretty (not always the biggest thing for me). It's been made by Troikia: guys with a two edged reputation. They're the team who (under a different name) did Fallout, and more recently Arcanum. So they can tell a yarn. The other side is they not the most technically gifted development team, so a game by them is usually a buggy game.

Anyway, I finished the first section of the game, and all I can say is that Bloodlines is awesome. It's very much in the style of Deus Ex, except with more story. The characters so far have been memorable (the night club owner for one), and some of the quests are exceptionally executed. In particular on haunted house sequence that I found scarier that a Silent Hill game.

Anyway, I've stopped playing it after this first section. Why? It takes 7 minutes to load the "downtown" level on my machine. As you're constantly moving to and from downtown, this is a bit much.

So I'm waiting for a new graphics card, and then I'll get back to a game which anyone with a decent pc should give a whirl.


Comment: Load times (by SynKronos? on 2004-12-01 09:12:09)

Load times are a function of memory capacity, and perhaps also HDD read speed (burst speed specifically, since the data you are loading will be sequential and hence seek time is not as important). So a new GFX card won't really help :P What are your current memory and HDD specs?

What are the min specs for the game btw?

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Page last modified on November 30, 2004, at 08:07 PM