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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Yar. The bank account in groaning, but the geek is happy.

I just spent R1000 about 100 high elves (all metal or cavalry) from a second-hand toy store. Which for anyone who knows, is fuuuucking cheap. Sadly, it's still R1000 rand I couldn't afford to spend, so it's tighten belt time. Oh, and suck to the ICON shopping.

It means I'm able to revive my high elf army (which was desperately understaffed) and go forth with vengence.


(That said, my friend who knows the owner of said store, paid R150 for a dragon and two necromunda gangs. So I may have to too gentle in not ripping them off.)

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Page last modified on June 29, 2005, at 12:52 PM