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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. From time to time I talk about geeky stuff. Today it's comic book movies, more specifically Allan Moore comic book movies.

First of all, they've announced a date for Watchmen (only the best. Comic. Ever.) with is 2006. Whether it'll actually get made is unlikely, and where it'll suck it not. But hey, it fits the theme.

Moore's prior opus, V for Vendetta (credited with make comics good again), is due in november (200th/300th anniversery of guy fawkes apparently). The good, it's starring Natalie Portman. The bad, they've cast a white guy as V. Bleh. IMDB.

The surprising thing about both of these films is that both tred very heavy on the 9/11 toes. V is an unashamed terrorist, while Watchmen... bah, read the book. Ask Rainbow Dave (aka Datvid).

Either way, cheers.

Comment: does not compute (by d@vid on 2005-03-14 13:09:35)

I dunno about Watchmen - it's like turning the Mona Lisa into a 3D mesh - will the translation between media make sense?

I guess it'll be okay {rolleyes}

Comment: Sin City (by FirstFallen? on 2005-03-14 14:26:53)

Have you seen the trailer for Frank Miller's Sin City? It looks awesome, big-name actors too: Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Elijah Wood, Josh Hartnett. Can't wait :-p

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Page last modified on March 11, 2005, at 07:34 PM