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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. I'm typing this on a 30" widescreen flat apple screen. It's abusively pretty. I have no idea how I'm going to go back.

Otherwise, this week has been and looks to continue to be incredibly dull. Nothing happening, nothing for us to do: just trying to make work. It's our last week here, so my internship looks like ending with a whimper.

Oh well. Plenty of time to write fluff for the Battlefleet Gothic campaign that's starting here. The universe shall fear Admiral Wally Worthington's 12th Imperial Expeditionary fleet. Well, more likely it shall expedite itself right back where it came from, but one can but hope.

I am also in the process of getting anyother bloodbowl team, this time "pro" elves. Basically a mix of the elves to create the perfect offensive team. In that spirit my team is going to feature a mix of models the different GW teams, as well as others from independents (such as Shadowforge). I'm also picking up a few other models from shadowforge to beef up my Escher necromunda gang (they specialise in female miniatures in the 40k scale).

How am I affording all this junk while I'm theoretically working for free? Am I just a rich boy? No! Instead I am in the endless purgatory that is: Writing-For-Real-Estate. The horror, the horror.

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Page last modified on November 16, 2004, at 01:53 PM