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You are on the archive wiki. The new wiki is here. Yar! I am being now in the capability of employment. At Grey World Wide. As Copy writer.

All of which comes as a bit of a surprise to me, as you no doubt could guess. Anyway, now I have to forge ahead at being an "advertiser" as opposed to "advertisee".

So far so good though, except for one small clause on el contracto: no overtime. Which, from a "company must make money" point of view is a good idea, but as your average 8 - 5 day is expected to end at 6, and the slightly busier ones even later, this could be scary.

Oh well.

Otherwise (it's obligatory, sorry), my brothers held a lan yesterday into today. There was much shooting, of which I took part in a little, but the interesting tidbit for me was something else.

There were two guys there with xboxes to trade (copied) games. Considering that to get an xbox game for me either means buying it from the shops for about R550 (if it's a available at all) or downloading at the speed of splod. So here were games at the ready.

Two games I got stick out just for nostaglia value; they're not the best of the lot, but certainly the one's that make me feel warm and fuzzy inside: mortal kombat deception, which is the latest in the recently resurrected series, and Outrun 2. Which is very very similar to the old one. Just prettier and with more ferrari's.


Comment: Standard stuff! (by LothrielPixie? on 2005-01-18 15:25:04)

It's a sorry affair, but I don't know of a single advertiting agency that officially operates an overtime policy (except for my old one... and then it was very hard to actually get the overtime 'authorised'.)

It's pretty much a standard assumption that you will work a longer than 40hr week - espcially round launches or deadlines. However, they do usually throw some unofficial free leave at you as 'recovery time' once you've worked yourself to the bone...

The price you pay for a glamourous life in advertising.
(BTW, congradulations you lucky bastard!)

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Page last modified on January 17, 2005, at 06:51 PM